Smudging and Cleansing
A selection of products that are ideal for cleansing yourself, people, spaces and items from negative energy.
Selenite Wand
Selenite Wand
These wands are such a useful tool to cleanse and protect yourself and your personal space.
Clearing your aura is the most popular use of a selenite wand, this process is known as sweeping.
Your aura is the energetic field that surrounds your body. Over time, your aura can become congested or imbalanced, leaving you feeling slow, sluggish and irritable.
Sweeping your aura with a selenite wand is super easy too, all you need do is hold the wand in your dominant hand and starting at the top of your head move the wand down your body in a sweeping motion, repeating this process until you feel you have cleared your entire aura and you feel calm and centred. This can be done daily or whenever you feel the need to rebalance yourself.
Place the wand with your other crystals overnight to cleanse and recharge them or you can even sweep their auras too. Yes, all living things have their own aura!
Selenite wands can help cleanse a space aswell, sweep negative energies away by moving around the area, concentrating on dark corners, windows and doorways. Then place your wand in a prominent position to aid in repelling negativity from entering your space.
Selenite wands are excellent to use to enhance your meditation practice, helping to promote a deeper sense of peace and relaxation.
To use a selenite wand during meditation, hold it in your non-dominant hand and focus on your breathing then visualise white light or positive energy flowing from the wand and into your body.
4” Sage Smudging Stick
4” Sage Smudging Stick
A 4 inch Californian white sage bundle for smudging.
Burning sage, also known as “smudging” or “sage-ing” is done as a ritual to cleanse a space from negative energy.
By using positive intention whilst burning a sage stick can help purify, remove negativity and improve the mood in your environment.
Burning sage also aids in generating wisdom and clarity and promote healing.
Palo Santo
Palo Santo
Palo Santo Wood, also know as Holy Wood or Sacred Wood.
Palo Santo is literally the Saint Tree and has been used for centuries in Peru and Ecuador for spiritual ceremonies.
Palo Santo is known for its properties to aid in clearing bad energy, providing spiritual protection and bringing good luck.
Palo Santo – Smudging, Blessing and Purification.
Burn the sticks as you would incense or smudge sticks; light, allow to burn momentarily, blow out the flame and fan the ember. May need to be re-lit but the more the stick is lit, the easier it is to keep the ember going.
Use to cleanse people, places, or property with the smoke.
Sticks sold separately and are approximately 4"/10cm, in length.
Abalone Shells are great for using to catch the ash and extinguish your smudge sticks during smudging rituals or to burn loose incense..
These pretty shells also make wonderful home decorations, displaying crystals or holding Altar supplies.
Abalone shells are said to have protecting energies and create emotional balance, so can also assist in shielding to the user from negativity.
Abalone are a type of mollusc similar to clams and oysters and are also known as mother-of-pearl shells.
These shells are approximately 11-12 cm in length. Due to being a natural product yours may vary slightly from those in photos.